We know that Floor Price (or minimum price) is the lowest we will reprice your item. How does AutoPrice calculations use the Floor Price information?
Two scenarios:
- Your items have free shipping, or Price + $0 Shipping
- Your items have shipping costs, or Price + $x.xx Shipping
- We do NOT change shipping prices
- We ONLY change the Price field
- AutoPrice rules calculate TOTAL Price, which is Price + Shipping
The best way to demonstrate this will be giving you an example.
Item | Floor Price | Price | Shipping |
Item ABC | 100 | 110 | 30 |
Item XYZ Free Ship | 100 | 130 | 0 |
Note that BOTH items' total selling price to the buyer's door is $130.00
Lets look at a few potential competitors for the items above
- Competitor A - $100 + $20
- Competitor B - $120
- Competitor C - $80 + $55
So both Competitor A and B have a total selling price of $120 and Competitor C is $135
If the AutoPrice rule is to match, StreetPricer will try to get the total selling price of Item ABC and XYZ to be at $120 as well. So they SHOULD be:
- Item ABC - $90 + $30 = $120
- Item XYZ - $120 + 0 = $120
The floor price now comes into place:
- Item ABC's price cannot be $90 as the floor price is $100. So Item ABC will drop to floor price instead of $100 + $30 = $130
- Item XYZ's can be dropped to $120 as this is still above the Floor Price.
The AutoPrice update will now update the Price field of Item ABC to $100 and Item XYZ to $120.
Item ABC will NOT have matched the lowest prices in this case.